Diamonds a symbol of love
There is no other gemstone quite like a diamond. It is found in the most remote places on earth, and the fact that it forms at all is something of a miracle. It takes about one ton of rock to recover less than half a carat of rough, making diamond one of the rarest and most desired gemstones in the world. A diamond is a testament of endurance and strength - and not surprisingly, the ultimate symbol of love.
No gemstone expresses human emotions more powerfully than a diamond. It may be because of their rarity, it may be because they have been around for billions of years, or it may just be because of their unique beauty and universal appeal. For hundreds of years, diamonds have been given to celebrate important moments in people's lives, such as engagements, weddings, anniversaries and the birth of a child. Today, more and more diamonds are being bought as symbols of independence and success.

Selecting Your Diamond
Buying a diamond can be an overwhelming experience, and at Bartlett Master Jewellers, we want to make it an enjoyable and educated one.
Being armed with the right information, you’ll have the confidence to make the decision on the right diamond for you.
We invite you to come in for an obligation – free diamond appointment with one of our expert jewellers, who can show you a range of diamonds to illustrate different characteristics and answer any questions you may have.

Hand Selected
At Bartlett Master Jewellers we specialise in diamonds of all shapes and sizes. Our diamonds are hand selected ensuring optimum brilliance and beauty.
We recommend diamonds that are graded by the following internationally recognised and independent Laboratories:
- GIA - (Gemmological Institute of America)
- IGI - (International Gemological Institute)
- GSL – (Gem Studies Laboratory)
- DCLA - (Diamond Certification Laboratory of Australia)
- HRD - (Hoge Raad Voor Diamant; Antwerp Diamond High Council)
These Diamond Grading Laboratories are renowned for their cutting edge technology, the most advanced testing equipment and for having the strictest grading and testing standards.

Ethically Sourced
At Bartlett Master Jeweller, along with the global diamond industry, have a zero-tolerance policy toward conflict diamonds. Each diamond and gemstone that enters our workshops is ethically sourced and selected with the most discerning eye to ensure superior quality.
Through measures such as the Kimberley Process (which tracks diamonds from mine to market) the industry is in partnership with the United Nations, governments, and non-governmental organisations which police diamond exports to prevent the trade of illegal diamonds.

Communication & Confidence
Every diamond is unique, and no two diamonds are the same, to fully understand them requires lengthy study, specialised equipment and years of experience, so it is important to seek advice from a qualified and experienced source when purchasing something as individual as a diamond.
At Bartlett Master Jewellers you gain from the experience and reputation that this family owned and operated business has established for over 50 years. And, most important, they are committed to the highest ethical standards in order to give you confidence and satisfaction. There's only one secret to buying a diamond - buy from a trusted, reputable, experienced, and qualified jewellery professional.